Aunt Jean's Dairy

During more than 80 years of dairy farming in Nelson, the Raine family has maintained a passionate belief that customers want a direct connection with the farm producing their milk. And in today's world, that feels more important than ever. Julian and Cathy Raine have created Aunt Jean's Dairy so you can experience milk the way it should be. Farm-fresh milk delivered in clear glass bottles.

Launching a new product in the fast-moving consumer goods space is no mean feat. Aunt Jean’s Dairy wanted to strengthen the link between their product with its real origin: the cows.

Aunt Jean's Dairy

The dairy brand has achieved its goal partnering with O-I. Consumers are answering positively to the glass packaging, as it brings nostalgia and together with the cow image, it reinforces the milk provenance.

The brand has won gold for “best use of packaging” at the Transform Awards Asia-Pacific 2017.

We love Aunt Jean's. Great milk, great story, and our only milk in Glass bottles! So nice to have a "direct from the farm" non-homogenised, permeate-free, A2-tested offering in Glass! Dozens of customers each week are loving it too.

David Nalder Fresh Category Manager, Moore Wilson & Co Ltd